Australian Broadcast Corporation
ABC is an Australian Broadcaster that was launched on 1 July 1932, and since then it is offering latest updates of political news, entertainment, kids, health, business, sports, arts, world, and shopping details to help the locals of Australia. Anyone who wants to gather information regarding daily events and weather forecast can log in on this site with few self details and become a loyal member to access the news published on this channel. Do you know why this channel is in thestory these days? Let me tell you Zach Featherstone gold coast who is a police investigator was involved in a case that was related to former gold coast investigator and businessman Mick Featherstone who is suspected in multi-million dollars fraud scam in the boiler room. Recently, Zach Featherstone wrote about Mr. Featherstone that He was presented in Brisbane court regarding the hearing of boiler scam and there the judge declined to proceed against him and other accused citing lack of evidence.
Mick Featherstone Boiler Fraud Scam Full details by Zach on ABC:
During September the commonwealth had brought the charges regardingthe crime of money laundering in boiler room against Anthony John Restaino, 43 and Graeme Dwyer, 67, as they were also part of thissignificant fraud which is known as sports betting.This investigation was undertaken by the Queensland Crime Police and Corruption Commission (CCC) which was called Lima Violin II.
Further, in the investigation, it was found that there is no sufficientevidence available against the accused and the charges replaced an initial one of money laundering. Based on this the magistrate in Southport determined not to commit either man to trial earlier this month without any evidence.
According to the CCC investigation, the ten accused persons who were part of Lima Violin II remained before the court on a combination for various fraud and money laundering offenses. It took around two years to complete the operation that was investigating about the illegal activities that involved the Black Uhlans and Bandidos outlaw bikie clubs performed by the Phoenix Global Company and its ownerMick Featherstone, who was a former Queensland police detective.
Therefore,due to lack of evidence Zoie Keong wife of Featherstone and his son Zach were released on bail in February, over the alleged scams that includedcold call to locals of Australia by high-pressure sales officers who testified fraud of worth $20 million cheatingaround 600 victims to offer more on their investment in the proposed schemes.
It is observed that Chief of the CCC, passed information to ABC that the crime watchdog was investigating to find possible evidence regarding the corruption by former police officers who were accused of the boiler-room fraud scam to protect them.Hence CCC decided that they will not arrest former officers accused against the charges for Mr. Featherstone.