If a company uploads accurate information about its business operations and profits on the internet, potential customers find it more trustworthy than other competitors. Thus, it is important to verify business online and make it securer and more reliable. Some renowned audit companies function globally and provide verifying service to their corporate clients located in different countries.
Prime segments of information in business verification
Basic company details – The contact information of the company, like official phone number, email id, and postal address, should be uploaded on the company website. The name of the business, its registration number, date, and location of registration, registered headquarter, institution code, industrial sector, credit grade, the assigned credit code, and the type of enterprise should be mentioned online. Moreover, the operating period and the current operation status of the company should also be updated in the company background information. The details of each branch of the company should be mentioned, along with the name of the key person of each operating branch.
Commercial investment details – Information about all the major shareholders of the company should be shared online, including their names, contribution amounts, positions, the ratio of shares, and the date of investments. If there are foreign investments in the company, the names of investors and the percentage of their investments should be mentioned as well to verify business details. The legal representative of the company in this foreign investment and his/her legal registration details should be uploaded for maintaining absolute transparency regarding business verification.
All details of company development – The accurate history of the company’s launching and its initial finances should be mentioned on the website. The details of the core team members of the company need to be uploaded on the company website, to make the business more reliable for potential clients. All the past and future business events should be mentioned there as well so that people can know all about the commercial development of that company. This segment is most important in verifying the business of all kinds of service industries. However, even manufacturing industries can verify business by uploading the details of each of their products that are already available in the market or going to be launched soon.
Information on any dark record – If there had been any black spot in the previous business record; it should be mentioned on the company website, to maintain transparency. If there was any lawsuit earlier or the company was targeted by the enforcement due to erroneous business acts, that record should be maintained on this website. Moreover, the dates of court proceedings and judgments also need to be uploaded online. All incidents regarding violations of law by the company, notices served for outstanding taxes, freezing of shares, and any abnormality in previous business operations should be briefly mentioned online.
In the case of an IT company, all details of the copyrights of software, fresh production, and website fillings need to be mentioned to verify business online. Likewise, information on all imports and exports should be updated on the website of a product-based company. Annual reports of these companies also need to be uploaded online every year.