Boiler maintenance should always be performed with skill and in accordance with valid rules and regulations from the authorities, and some recommendations for periodic inspections and maintenance are provided below.
Daily Operation
Every day, during normal boiler operation, some work and check procedures must be considered.
- Check the steam pressure and water level in the boiler.
- Check to see if the feed water control system is working.
- Examine the boiler water condition and implement any necessary countermeasures for feed and boiler water treatment. Blow down the boiler as needed.
- Examine the oil burner’s operation at various capacities using the inspection holes on the boiler.
- After that, check the flue gas temperature and/or the boiler’s draft loss. The pin-tube section must be cleaned if the temperature or draft loss is too high.
Weekly Routine Checks
- For about 10-15 seconds, drain each water level glass.
- In the event of contaminated boiler water or insufficient water treatment, the water level glasses must be drained more frequently.
- Examine the water level safety device.
- The boiler was blown down based on the boiler water tests. Open the blow-down valves quickly for a few seconds, then close and reopen for 5-10 seconds.
- Repeat this operation as needed based on the boiler water tests.
- When necessary, use the scum valve to blow out the scum. The scum blow out process must be repeated until the drained water is clean.
Monthly Routine Checks
- All backup pumps should be tested.
- Examine all boiler mountings for damage or leaks, and repair/replace as needed.
- Check the operation of the high steam pressure switch by lowering the set point or increasing the steam pressure, for example, by slowly closing the main steam valve. The burner must be turned off automatically.
Inspection of Furnace
At the very least, the furnace should be inspected twice a year. The following issues should be taken into account during this inspection:
- Examine the refractory lining for cracks and make sure the furnace walls are free of excessive soot deposits.
- Examine the area opposite the burner closely. Excessive soot accumulation indicates that the burner should be adjusted.
- Examine the pin-tube elements for damage and soot deposits to ensure that they are within normal limits.
Inspection of Boiler Water Side
- At least twice a year, the boiler water side (interior) must be thoroughly inspected. This inspection is critical and, without a doubt, the most important of all maintenance measures because it has a direct impact on the boiler’s longevity and security.
- These inspections can detect hard deposits, corrosion, and circulation disturbances early on, and preventive measures must be implemented to avoid unexpected material damage and boiler breakdown.
- Hard deposits on the furnace wall and pin-tubes reduce heat transfer properties and reduce boiler capacity.
- Furthermore, it is possible to determine whether the feed water treatment was satisfactory and whether the blow-down was completed adequately.
- Hard deposits or corrosion are frequently caused by improper feed water treatment.
- Inadequate blow-down results in sludge deposits in the tubes and sludge accumulation at the boiler’s bottom.
- If hard deposits are not removed, they may cause overheating in the boiler plate material that is exposed to the flame in the furnace wall area. This may result in material damage. Boiler Repair Spare Parts and maintenance routine must be carried out to fix the damages.
- Hard deposits are not always the result of poor feed water treatment. A pH-value that is too low or too high, for example, may cause an electrolytic reaction, causing corrosion in the boiler.
- When inspecting the boiler interior, pay close attention to all parts and look for deposits, corrosion, and cracks. This inspection should be given special attention.
Inspection Procedures and Remarks
- Allow the boiler to cool (below 100°C) before turning it off. The boiler should NOT be depressurized by lifting the safety valves and then filled with cold feed water because the stress caused by rapid cooling may cause damage.
- Close all valves and empty the boiler. Check that the valves connecting the boiler to the second boiler are closed.
- When the boiler is sufficiently cold, unscrew and remove the manhole hatch(es). Inspect the boiler’s welding. A thorough examination should be performed to look for any signs of corrosion or crack formation.
- Special attention should be paid to the pressure vessel’s water line area, where oxygen pitting may occur.
- If it is discovered that deposits are forming in the boiler tubes, the boiler should be chemically cleaned.
- It is best to hire a cleaning company that will inspect the boiler deposits and treat the boiler accordingly.
- Following chemical treatment, the boiler should be blown down at least twice a day for about a week. This will prevent excessive sludge deposits caused by chemical treatment from accumulating in the pressure vessel’s bottom.
If the boiler becomes contaminated with foreign substances such as oil, chemicals, corrosion products, and so on, it is critical to act quickly to prevent further damage to the boiler. Boiler Repair Spare Parts and repairs are required.
Layers of thin oil films, mud, and other materials exposed to the heating surfaces cause poor heat transfer in the boiler, resulting in overheating and burned out pressure parts. To remove such contamination, a boiling out or acid cleaning must be performed as soon as possible.
Corrosion products from the pipe system or inadequate boiler water treatment can cause corrosion in the boiler. As a result, it is critical to note that such events do not occur in the system.