Public playgrounds are proven to be fun and make kids more active, but the problem is, you have lesser control over safety there. When you saw something that may pose a hazard to your child and the rest of the kids that are playing there, you can do two things immediately; by not letting your child play there anymore, and second, you contact the parks services or the administrators of the playground to fix the problem.
To determine if the playground is safe for the kids, here are some useful tips that you can do by checking out if it is safe enough to be played or not.
First, you have to inspect the surface beneath the equipment used in the playground. The most ideal surface should be at least a 12-inch thick of wood chips, mulch, pea gravel, or sand, or any filling materials that are soft enough to make the impact in case if a child falls off the playground equipment less dangerous. Majority of the modern playgrounds are usually built with safety-tested rubber mats that covered the surface of the playground.
Also, you have to be vigilant and check if there are any hazardous hardware such as an exposed hook-shaped as “s” or any protruding bolt ends. Make sure that the spaces that could slip a child in and trap them such as openings, or in guardrails enough to squeeze in the head of a kid or in between ladder rungs are safely covered or it is enough to be measured less than three and a half inch or more than nine inches to make sure it will not fit any limbs of a child. Make sure the playground has a safe and inclusive play design.
Another important advice, make sure that there are no pointed edges, objects, in the playground equipment. Make sure that there are no tripping hazards like concrete footings that are exposed, also tree stumps, and rocks that can easily trip a child and can cause injury.
It is also important for you to ensure that there nor elevated surfaces such as platforms or ramps if there are any, make sure it has guardrails to prevent the children from falling on its edge. Checking the playground regularly before you let your child play in it by checking the equipment and surfaces and see if it is in good condition will not only prevent your child from harm, but the other children playing there as well.
Although there are no mandatory regulations which should be followed for all playgrounds, there are a lot of safety precautions and reminders that local government and advocate that are always given to parents and guardians, especially the playground supervisors and administrators to those who want to use it.
Statistically, if you conduct a short research about playground accidents, for sure when you see the numbers of kids getting injured each year, you will be discouraged to let your child play in a playground, however, with vigilance and enough safety precautions, you can ensure that your child is safe and at the same time enjoy their childhood for experiencing the fun playing in this recreational facility and shooting range hong kong.